Friday, 23 May 2014

Developing the 3D model

I started the model by creating a quick set of reference images. The proportions of the side view are especially off, but during modelling any issues should be resolved.

 Basic modelling, linking the head to the body was very hard, there's numerous things to know before setting off I've found. The core of which is to ensure that all of the edge loops are equal in number.

 This is the issue faced, because I didn't know to ensure that the edge loops were equal, at meeting points I'm finding NGONS when trying to link vertices up.
Fixing the NGON issues.
 Having to use Tries to fix the foot geometry and ensure everythjng attaches ok.
 The final geometry. It's nowhere near perfect but it'll do for the purposes of learning.
 Learning to UV unwrap an organic thing, via YouTube Tutorials. The following tutorial is pretty fantastic, I'll be watching more of his stuff during the summer.
 Getting there in terms of UVing. Shortly after this was taken the file was lost when I couldn't access it at uni, another stress to a difficult  semester, but I managed to get the file back.

Half of Hammett fully UV'd. The hand was particularly difficult.
After some bad geometry was causing Hammet's face to light poorly, I decided to smooth only his face, to keep the poly count as low as possible. This is Hammet with his eyes in! He's already looking adorable.

The final UV.

Applying a test texture to the model to check geometry and get a feel for the painting being projected onto the 3D plane. I found the process quite uncomfortable as I find it difficult to think in terms of 3D space.

A close up with the test texture and eyes. Notice that the chest in wrongly UV'd, so I had to go back and fix that.

Working gradually to create the texture, having to constantly re apply and check how it looks.
 A close up on Hammet's face. Aint he a cutie.
The hand-brace before texturing

 After texturing, I feel like I'm getting a bit better at achieving texture.

 He's close to done now, looking cute, if I could redo anything it  would be the face geometry, as I would like to avoid smoothing him out. I have the original lower poly version as well to go back to after submission though :)

 A somewhat terrifying looking texture, I still struggle with thinking in terms of texture as opposed to form, but its something to work on in the future :)

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