Thursday, 16 January 2014

Meet Prince Lars

A bit About Prince Lars

Prince Lars came to prominence through his military accomplishments. Only son to the King and heir to the throne, he took control of His Majesty's army at a young age. Not because he had any interest in military life, but because he wanted to see if he could. He was as ruthless a leader as he was effective and uprooted the military from the ground up with hand picked admirers taking the place of high ranking officials, all under the noses of the busy populace.

The King has taken ill and is not expected to return to rule. Lars is now in complete control of the city and wishes to expand to test his theories on the rising "new wealth" nobles - business owners and caravan traders desperate for landed titles. He wants to see how long it takes till they try to appoint a leader among them, just so he can go to war with them. A small, unremarkable satellite town sits on prime real estate and has to go. The occupants will be more than happy to help build the new homes before being permanently removed themselves. Much of the Prince is unknown, as he stays well within his keep at all times, testing the limits of his influence over his dominion.

Attempting to paint Lars without using any sketches or construction lines to guide the brushwork. It's a sloppy piece of concept art admittedly, and I'm finding his flat features very difficult to paint.

It seems easier to paint when painting in exaggerated features like Hammett's. His rounded, rosy face is great for adding in pinks and such for fun. Lars however is proving really difficult to do in the same manner of painting.

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